Monday, February 28, 2011

2-28-11 Leaving Roxana: Lenora

We are getting up super early tomorrow, so we can get on the 5 am bus to Guapelies so we can get the 6 am bus to San Jose. We have to get up at such an ubsurd hour because the only tunnel to San Jose will be closed for Landside research or something and if we miss that bus, our whole schedual will be thrown off. We´ll be in San Jose for like five hours, which will give us all time to restock on band-aids, before we get on our next bus to Monteverde and the cloud forest.

On to the thoughts.

Even though I am ready to leave Roxana and move on with the trip, I´m also quite sad to leave. Everyone here is so nice, the kids are so cute and it´s really pretty. I have woken up to so many pretty sunrises in the past few days that I don´t want to go on with out them. Knowing me, right when I get home I´ll resume my normal nocturnal sleeping habits, instead of my, Sam infulenced, early riser habits.

As Sam and I were walking to our homestay from Don Angel´s house after dinner, I could help but feeling like I was in some realitly TV show. You know like the ones where they send kids on some camp that´s supposed to change their life and someone gets sent home because they lost a challenge or it´s the end of the seires or something and everyone is reflecting on how they´ve changed? That´s more or less what I felt like, except minus the reflecting part, I´m not at that point in the trip yet. I could even hear the end title song in my mind as I was thinking this.

Most of us are sad to leave, but are ready to. A couple days ago, someone from Amigos came to talk to the community and Drew intoduced her to us. She said something that stuck with me, though it´s not really a big "I will live by this" kind of line. She said that it´s harder visiting someplace, whether it´s for a day or two or an intire week, instead of living there for like two months or longer. She said you don´t have long enough time to get into the swing of things and you´re constantly comparing things to how it is back home. I kind of feel like this is us.

I mean, there are couple of us who are crossing out the day until we fly home, and a few who just miss home but aren´t really in a hurry to get on that plane and eat a big mac or somthing. The ones who are crossing out the days are compàring things to home, I know this mostly because that was all they talked about for three days; Home vs Roxana. It´s their loss for not enjoying our stay more, but if they had to be here for two months, they would get used to it.

But that´s what I think.

For me, I´m getting more homesick the closer we get to the last day of the trip. It´s probably because going home is within my sight now, and I´m also tired on the rain. I actually miss Washington rain; it´s like powered sugar going through a sifter comparied to the spontaniuous downpours here that is like a bowl of uncooked rice falling to the floor. Also, it´s been raining for the last two days and I would like my shoes to have a chance to dry. All of us got soaked yesterday when walking to the other side of Roxana to have dinner at Geovanny´s house. My shirt still isn´t dry.

I don´t think I´m going to miss the bugs from here either.

And before I forget, I should tell you about one of the strangest sloth sightings we´ve had. So here in Costa Rica, there are a lot of fields with a couple of trees just hanging out in the middle for no particualr reason at all. Behind Don Angel´s house is one of these kinds of fields. A day or two ago, we were just finishing breakfast, and Drew spots this sloth that´s in this loner tree in the middle of the field. It´s not even that big of tree either, since the branch the sloth is on is bending downward with its weight. No one knows how it got there until Drew explains that Sloths can crawl in on the ground, and that´s how they get from tree to tree.

Everyone who hadn´t seen a sloth yet, wich was most everyone save Julie, Sam, Heather, Drew and myself, since we´d seen one at EARTH, walked out into the rainy morning toward the sloth. Drew warned them not to get to close, because they might scare the sloth, which is where I asked what it would do, since it was kind of in the middle of nowhere. Drew said the sloth would travel at top sloth speed, which might be a little slower than three people pushing a brocken down car, and go down the tree and make it´s way to another tree, then added they aren´tvery good at get aways.

So that´s it for now. Julie said she would write a blog soon, and I have conviced Cordeila or Starla that it would be a good idea to write one yet.

Until next time,


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