Saturday, February 26, 2011

2-22-11 Sam

I guess I´m supposed to write thoughts from Sam,

It´s really hot here, and we've been in the sun a lot, everyday! Luckily our parents packed our bags with tons of sun screen and we haven't ran out yet! Yesterday we walked around 6 miles to a collage called EARTH its an ecological school for people interested in agriculture. It sounds like a pretty amazing school, its all based around growing, and composting. the collage owns 3000 hectors, its really big! They also grow bananas there and ship them on a big zip line looking thing to  cleaning stations, we got to look around! after that we walked 3 miles in the rain forest! it was amazing! I had never seen a monkey that wasn't in the zoo before! we saw spider monkey and howler monkeys. It ended up being a long day when we finally got back to our houses. It was way worth it though! We all went to bed early!

Today we carried bamboo back from the forest so that we can start to build a green house; it should take 1 day to finish! After lunch we visited the elementary school in the village, for the next couple of days a few of us are going to work on painting a wall with the children.


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