Saturday, February 26, 2011

2-25-11 Hey Ya´ll It´s Julie!

Still in the homestays. We´ll be here till Tuesday morning and its absolutely amazing here. This past week weve split up into two groups, Starla, Sam, Lenora, Cordelia and I have been working on a pair of murals for the elementary school in Roxana, they are really coming along!!! The rest have been planting trees in tires around the soccer field to get a tad more shade. Today was gorgeous… extremely hot in the morning and then pouring in the afternoon!! (Rain here is sooo much better than at home) The homestay families are extremely welcoming and put up with all of our terrible spanish :) Tomorrow we are heading to a small community about 2 hours away where we will be painting some more.

Pura Vida in case you haven´t been updated.. means Pure Life (of course) it defines the Costa Rican lifestyle (Calm, Peaceful, etc.) I know I´m going to miss Pura Vida when I come home haha


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